This organization shall be known as the American Thrianta Rabbit Breeders Association. Hereafter also known as ATRBA.
The object of this Association shall be to promote and improve the breeding of Thrianta rabbits; to disseminate information to the members; and to encourage the exhibition of Thrianta Rabbits.
This Association shall be chartered with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Any person who agrees with the object of this Association may become a member by making application to the Secretary and paying the dues as outlined in the By-Laws.
This Association shall hold annual meetings at such time and place as may be designated in the By-Laws
SECTION 1: The elective officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, and six (6) Directors shall be elected for a two (2) year term by and from the membership. Herein these officers shall be referred to as the Board
SECTION 2: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed by two-thirds majority vote of the Board, to serve for a three (3) year term commencing on January 1st. The Board may make reappointment. The Secretary/Treasurer may be removed from office, for cause, during any term of office.
SECTION 3: Elected officials shall take office at the American Rabbit Breeders Association Convention following his/her election.
SECTION 4: The President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board. All members of the Board must be members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Any vacancy of office during an un-expired term, the President shall appoint a replacement with approval of the Board within (30) thirty days.
SECTION 5: Vacancies shall be filled by the President with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) two-thirds majority vote of the Board.
SECTION 1: Any member, over age 18, and having been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year, wishing to become a candidate for any elective office of this Association shall submit a "letter of intent" listing the member’s name, and office for which the member desires to be a candidate, be signed by the member and sent to the Secretary by mail, postmarked no later than June 15 prior to election. E-mail is not acceptable.
SECTION 2: No elected member may serve more than three (3) consecutive two-year terms in the same elective office
SECTION 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of this Association. The President shall appoint all committees and fill all vacancies in office that may occur between elections. The President shall maintain general supervision over all necessary affairs of this Association that may arise between the annual meetings. The President shall have the right to delegate particular duties of the Secretary/Treasurer when deemed necessary, with approval of the Board. This may include re-assigning part of the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer to other members of the organization as required to maintain the most effective operation of this Association.
SECTION 2: The Vice-President’s duties are the same as those of the President in the absence of the President.
SECTION 3: The Secretary/Treasurer shall conduct the general correspondence of this Association; keep the minutes of the Annual and/or Special Meeting(s).
The Secretary/Treasurer shall have charge of all books, papers, and records pertaining to the office.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a listing of all current members.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall notify all members upon expiration of dues either by Newsletter or by first class mail.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep account of all money coming into the office from any source.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall deposit all funds into a Bank approved by the Board, making payments from funds of the Association. He/she shall submit a Treasurer’s Report at the Annual Meeting and publish a quarterly report in the Thrianta Newsletter. The Secretary/Treasurer shall secure such bond, as the Board may deem necessary, cost of said bond to be paid by the Association.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall assure that a Newsletter is prepared and mailed to the membership on a timely basis set forth by the Board. The Secretary/Treasurer shall provide information for inclusion in the newsletter and as requested for a club web site.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the Sweepstakes points for all members in good standing of the club, separately for Open and Youth members.
SECTION 4: The Directors shall perform such duties as are assigned to them by the President and as set forth in the By-Laws according to Roberts Rules of Order.
SECTION 5: The Board shall have general control of the affairs of the Association between the annual meetings. The Board shall decide upon all matters arising that are not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws. The Board shall be responsible for making decisions and taking action based on what is deemed best for the Association.
SECTION 6: Each member of the Board must attend at least one (1) annual meeting or one (1) general meeting held in conjunction with the National show during his/her term. Failure to attend may result in removal from office at the discretion of the Board.
This Association shall have the authority to make such laws, establish such rules and adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the betterment of the Association and government of its members.
SECTION 1: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be paid a commission of (10) ten percent of all sanction fees and all membership dues received during the time period he/she serves in that capacity.
SECTION 1: Any amendment to this constitution shall be made by resolution, in writing, signed by ten (10) or more members in good standing of this Association and mailed to the Secretary/Treasurer a minimum of 90 days prior to the Annual General Membership Meeting.
SECTION 2: All resolutions are to be confined to one (1) subject.
SECTION 3: Any resolution to the Constitution must be printed in at least one ATRBA newsletter. “Any resolution for change to the constitution must be approved by a two thirds majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting. Approved resolutions shall take effect January 1 following the annual meeting.
SECTION 1: The amount of the annual dues, renewals, surcharges, Life Membership, etc. shall be set by the Board and submitted to the membership for approval at the annual meeting. If approved by a majority of the members in good standing, present at that meeting, the revised costs to take effect on January 1st. of the year following approval. The membership shall be notified of any changes in dues and fees through the Newsletter.
SECTION 1: The annual meeting of the Association shall be held in the city and during the time of the American Rabbit Breeders Association National Convention. An official meeting of the membership may be held in conjunction with the National Show provided a quorum is present.
SECTION 2: A Special Meeting may be called by the President at the request of 15 members of this Association providing the Board considers the request urgent and necessary. If such a request is granted, the Secretary/Treasurer will notify the membership at least 30 days prior to the date of the Special Meeting, setting forth the reason the meeting has been called, the location and the time of the meeting.
The only item, which may be discussed at the Special Meeting, is the item for which the meeting was called. The President may call a meeting of the Board when he/she deems necessary.
SECTION 3: Robert Rules of Order shall be considered as the final authority for this Association on all questions not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-laws.
Ten (10) members, who must include at least three (3) board members, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Five (5) members of the Board of Directors shall be a quorum at any Board of Directors Meeting.
SECTION 1: Any member being charged with willful misrepresentation or fraud or dishonest dealings or conduct derogatory to this Association must have such charges made in writing and sent by certified mail to the Secretary/Treasurer. The person making the charges accompanied by a $100.00 non-refundable filling fee must sign all such charges.
SECTION 2: Any member, against whom charges have been filed, shall be furnished a copy of the charges by the Secretary/Treasurer. The member charged shall have thirty (30) days to file a written reply. The charges, together with the reply, shall be sent to each Board member for their consideration. Each member of the Board shall reply to the Secretary/Treasurer with his judgment of the charges. The Secretary/Treasurer shall inform the President of the Board’s action. All decisions of the Board may be handled through First Class Mail.
SECTION 1: The President and three (3) Directors shall be elected in even numbered years. The Vice President and three (3) Directors shall be elected in odd numbered years. The term of office shall be two years. The terms of office shall be two (2) years.
SECTION 2: The Secretary shall prepare a ballot listing only the names of the eligible candidates for each office. A pre- addressed envelope addressed to the Chair of the Election Committee shall be included with the ballot. The ballots shall be mailed no later than July 15. Ballots to be counted must be postmarked no later than August 15. The Election Committee shall meet at an agreeable time no earlier than one week after said deadline, open all envelopes received and do an official count. Ballots that have been altered, or contain write-in names will be considered invalid. The Chair shall notify the President and Secretary of the results. All ballots and a written report shall be sent to the Secretary within ten (10) days. The Secretary shall retain the ballots for six (6) months. Term of office shall commence with the first day of the
ARBA National Convention.
SECTION 3: Any candidate within 30 days of the election results and upon payment of $100.00 fee may ask for a recount of ballots. A recount must be done with at least three (3) members present. A recount will be done at the annual meeting.
SECTION 4: In case of a tied vote, the Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare a ballot with the names of those tied and the members attending the annual meeting shall cast ballots to break the tie.
Standards Committee: Chairperson and four (4) members;
Election Committee: Chairperson and two (2) members;
Membership Committee: Chairperson and one (1) member;
Newsletter Committee: News Editor and one (1) member,
Auditing Committee: Chairperson and two (2) members,
Web Site Committee: Chairperson and one (1) member.
The President may, if deemed necessary, appoint Special Committees with approval of the Board. All chairmen and committee members must be members in good standing of this Association.
Any ARBA chartered club may apply for an ATRBA Open and/or Youth Sanction. ARBA Sanction number along with sanction fee of $10.00 for an open sanction and $7.00 for a youth sanction must be included with sanction request. Sanctions must be postmarked a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to show date.
The ATRBA Sweepstakes contest shall run from July 1st through June 30th of each year. You must be a member in good standing of the ATRBA at the time the animal is shown in order to receive sweepstakes points, and at the time the awards are presented in order to receive the award. Awards shall be presented at the annual meeting to the winners of 1st through 10th place. All ATRBA members in good standing at the time of the shows, shall be awarded double points for exhibition at the ARBA National Convention and at the ATRBA National Show.
SECTION: 1 An amendment to these By-Laws may be submitted in writing by a member in good standing of this Association and mailed to the Secretary/Treasurer a minimum of 90 days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. Any resolution to the By-Laws must be printed in at least one ATRBA newsletter.
Comments and concerns may be mailed or emailed to the Secretary/Treasurer by any member in good standing. A maximum of 200 words must summarize comments. These summaries must be read at the annual meeting prior to the vote, providing the words used are appropriate for general reading.
Amendment votes will take place at the annual meeting.
SECTION 2: All resolutions are to be confined to one (1) subject.
SECTION 3: Any resolution to the By-Laws must be approved by a 2/3rd. majority vote of the members present at the Membership Meeting.
Approved resolutions shall take effect January 1st. following approval.
Roll Call of Officers, Reading of un-approved Minutes of all Meetings, Reading of Secretary’s Report, Correspondence, Financial Report, Report of Officers, Report of Committees, Old Business, New Business, Election of Judges, Any Other Business for the Good of the Association, Adjournment.
Approved by Membership Vote
This organization shall be known as the American Thrianta Rabbit Breeders Association. Hereafter also known as ATRBA.
The object of this Association shall be to promote and improve the breeding of Thrianta rabbits; to disseminate information to the members; and to encourage the exhibition of Thrianta Rabbits.
This Association shall be chartered with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.
Any person who agrees with the object of this Association may become a member by making application to the Secretary and paying the dues as outlined in the By-Laws.
This Association shall hold annual meetings at such time and place as may be designated in the By-Laws
SECTION 1: The elective officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, and six (6) Directors shall be elected for a two (2) year term by and from the membership. Herein these officers shall be referred to as the Board
SECTION 2: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed by two-thirds majority vote of the Board, to serve for a three (3) year term commencing on January 1st. The Board may make reappointment. The Secretary/Treasurer may be removed from office, for cause, during any term of office.
SECTION 3: Elected officials shall take office at the American Rabbit Breeders Association Convention following his/her election.
SECTION 4: The President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board. All members of the Board must be members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Any vacancy of office during an un-expired term, the President shall appoint a replacement with approval of the Board within (30) thirty days.
SECTION 5: Vacancies shall be filled by the President with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) two-thirds majority vote of the Board.
SECTION 1: Any member, over age 18, and having been a member in good standing for at least one (1) year, wishing to become a candidate for any elective office of this Association shall submit a "letter of intent" listing the member’s name, and office for which the member desires to be a candidate, be signed by the member and sent to the Secretary by mail, postmarked no later than June 15 prior to election. E-mail is not acceptable.
SECTION 2: No elected member may serve more than three (3) consecutive two-year terms in the same elective office
SECTION 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of this Association. The President shall appoint all committees and fill all vacancies in office that may occur between elections. The President shall maintain general supervision over all necessary affairs of this Association that may arise between the annual meetings. The President shall have the right to delegate particular duties of the Secretary/Treasurer when deemed necessary, with approval of the Board. This may include re-assigning part of the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer to other members of the organization as required to maintain the most effective operation of this Association.
SECTION 2: The Vice-President’s duties are the same as those of the President in the absence of the President.
SECTION 3: The Secretary/Treasurer shall conduct the general correspondence of this Association; keep the minutes of the Annual and/or Special Meeting(s).
The Secretary/Treasurer shall have charge of all books, papers, and records pertaining to the office.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a listing of all current members.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall notify all members upon expiration of dues either by Newsletter or by first class mail.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep account of all money coming into the office from any source.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall deposit all funds into a Bank approved by the Board, making payments from funds of the Association. He/she shall submit a Treasurer’s Report at the Annual Meeting and publish a quarterly report in the Thrianta Newsletter. The Secretary/Treasurer shall secure such bond, as the Board may deem necessary, cost of said bond to be paid by the Association.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall assure that a Newsletter is prepared and mailed to the membership on a timely basis set forth by the Board. The Secretary/Treasurer shall provide information for inclusion in the newsletter and as requested for a club web site.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the Sweepstakes points for all members in good standing of the club, separately for Open and Youth members.
SECTION 4: The Directors shall perform such duties as are assigned to them by the President and as set forth in the By-Laws according to Roberts Rules of Order.
SECTION 5: The Board shall have general control of the affairs of the Association between the annual meetings. The Board shall decide upon all matters arising that are not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws. The Board shall be responsible for making decisions and taking action based on what is deemed best for the Association.
SECTION 6: Each member of the Board must attend at least one (1) annual meeting or one (1) general meeting held in conjunction with the National show during his/her term. Failure to attend may result in removal from office at the discretion of the Board.
This Association shall have the authority to make such laws, establish such rules and adopt such regulations as may be necessary for the betterment of the Association and government of its members.
SECTION 1: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be paid a commission of (10) ten percent of all sanction fees and all membership dues received during the time period he/she serves in that capacity.
SECTION 1: Any amendment to this constitution shall be made by resolution, in writing, signed by ten (10) or more members in good standing of this Association and mailed to the Secretary/Treasurer a minimum of 90 days prior to the Annual General Membership Meeting.
SECTION 2: All resolutions are to be confined to one (1) subject.
SECTION 3: Any resolution to the Constitution must be printed in at least one ATRBA newsletter. “Any resolution for change to the constitution must be approved by a two thirds majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting. Approved resolutions shall take effect January 1 following the annual meeting.
SECTION 1: The amount of the annual dues, renewals, surcharges, Life Membership, etc. shall be set by the Board and submitted to the membership for approval at the annual meeting. If approved by a majority of the members in good standing, present at that meeting, the revised costs to take effect on January 1st. of the year following approval. The membership shall be notified of any changes in dues and fees through the Newsletter.
SECTION 1: The annual meeting of the Association shall be held in the city and during the time of the American Rabbit Breeders Association National Convention. An official meeting of the membership may be held in conjunction with the National Show provided a quorum is present.
SECTION 2: A Special Meeting may be called by the President at the request of 15 members of this Association providing the Board considers the request urgent and necessary. If such a request is granted, the Secretary/Treasurer will notify the membership at least 30 days prior to the date of the Special Meeting, setting forth the reason the meeting has been called, the location and the time of the meeting.
The only item, which may be discussed at the Special Meeting, is the item for which the meeting was called. The President may call a meeting of the Board when he/she deems necessary.
SECTION 3: Robert Rules of Order shall be considered as the final authority for this Association on all questions not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-laws.
Ten (10) members, who must include at least three (3) board members, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Five (5) members of the Board of Directors shall be a quorum at any Board of Directors Meeting.
SECTION 1: Any member being charged with willful misrepresentation or fraud or dishonest dealings or conduct derogatory to this Association must have such charges made in writing and sent by certified mail to the Secretary/Treasurer. The person making the charges accompanied by a $100.00 non-refundable filling fee must sign all such charges.
SECTION 2: Any member, against whom charges have been filed, shall be furnished a copy of the charges by the Secretary/Treasurer. The member charged shall have thirty (30) days to file a written reply. The charges, together with the reply, shall be sent to each Board member for their consideration. Each member of the Board shall reply to the Secretary/Treasurer with his judgment of the charges. The Secretary/Treasurer shall inform the President of the Board’s action. All decisions of the Board may be handled through First Class Mail.
SECTION 1: The President and three (3) Directors shall be elected in even numbered years. The Vice President and three (3) Directors shall be elected in odd numbered years. The term of office shall be two years. The terms of office shall be two (2) years.
SECTION 2: The Secretary shall prepare a ballot listing only the names of the eligible candidates for each office. A pre- addressed envelope addressed to the Chair of the Election Committee shall be included with the ballot. The ballots shall be mailed no later than July 15. Ballots to be counted must be postmarked no later than August 15. The Election Committee shall meet at an agreeable time no earlier than one week after said deadline, open all envelopes received and do an official count. Ballots that have been altered, or contain write-in names will be considered invalid. The Chair shall notify the President and Secretary of the results. All ballots and a written report shall be sent to the Secretary within ten (10) days. The Secretary shall retain the ballots for six (6) months. Term of office shall commence with the first day of the
ARBA National Convention.
SECTION 3: Any candidate within 30 days of the election results and upon payment of $100.00 fee may ask for a recount of ballots. A recount must be done with at least three (3) members present. A recount will be done at the annual meeting.
SECTION 4: In case of a tied vote, the Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare a ballot with the names of those tied and the members attending the annual meeting shall cast ballots to break the tie.
Standards Committee: Chairperson and four (4) members;
Election Committee: Chairperson and two (2) members;
Membership Committee: Chairperson and one (1) member;
Newsletter Committee: News Editor and one (1) member,
Auditing Committee: Chairperson and two (2) members,
Web Site Committee: Chairperson and one (1) member.
The President may, if deemed necessary, appoint Special Committees with approval of the Board. All chairmen and committee members must be members in good standing of this Association.
Any ARBA chartered club may apply for an ATRBA Open and/or Youth Sanction. ARBA Sanction number along with sanction fee of $10.00 for an open sanction and $7.00 for a youth sanction must be included with sanction request. Sanctions must be postmarked a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to show date.
The ATRBA Sweepstakes contest shall run from July 1st through June 30th of each year. You must be a member in good standing of the ATRBA at the time the animal is shown in order to receive sweepstakes points, and at the time the awards are presented in order to receive the award. Awards shall be presented at the annual meeting to the winners of 1st through 10th place. All ATRBA members in good standing at the time of the shows, shall be awarded double points for exhibition at the ARBA National Convention and at the ATRBA National Show.
SECTION: 1 An amendment to these By-Laws may be submitted in writing by a member in good standing of this Association and mailed to the Secretary/Treasurer a minimum of 90 days prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. Any resolution to the By-Laws must be printed in at least one ATRBA newsletter.
Comments and concerns may be mailed or emailed to the Secretary/Treasurer by any member in good standing. A maximum of 200 words must summarize comments. These summaries must be read at the annual meeting prior to the vote, providing the words used are appropriate for general reading.
Amendment votes will take place at the annual meeting.
SECTION 2: All resolutions are to be confined to one (1) subject.
SECTION 3: Any resolution to the By-Laws must be approved by a 2/3rd. majority vote of the members present at the Membership Meeting.
Approved resolutions shall take effect January 1st. following approval.
Roll Call of Officers, Reading of un-approved Minutes of all Meetings, Reading of Secretary’s Report, Correspondence, Financial Report, Report of Officers, Report of Committees, Old Business, New Business, Election of Judges, Any Other Business for the Good of the Association, Adjournment.
Approved by Membership Vote